• Don’t Believe These Myths About Storage Facility Security

    It’s natural to be a little worried about leaving your belongings at a storage facility. Just remember that the security of your things are a top priority for the company—after all, the company doesn’t want a break-in to cause legal liability or ruin the facility’s reputation. High-security storage units in Mountain View take extra steps to safeguard your possessions.

    Myth: Anyone could walk in and steal my stuff. Secured storage facility in Mountain View, CA

    Reputable self-storage rental companies take the safety and security of their customers’ belongings very seriously. Good storage companies invest a great deal into their security measures. When you choose a facility, look for well-built security fences and gates. Most storage facilities secure the property with a high-tech alarm and electronic keypad access.

    Myth: Employees are rarely on-site.

    Once you rent a storage unit, you’ll have easy access to it whenever you want—without having to find an employee to help you. Unfortunately, this has led many people to mistakenly think that managers are rarely at the facility to supervise the grounds and protect the storage rentals. This isn’t the case at reputable storage facilities. Look for a company staffed by capable professionals who are readily available to keep an eye on the facility.

    Myth: I have to buy extra insurance, even if the facility looks safe.

    Most storage facilities do force their customers to purchase storage insurance coverage. This is usually unnecessary and only adds additional fees to the rental. Look for a facility that accepts your current renter’s or homeowner’s insurance policy.

    Myth: If I’m a day late with the rent, my stuff can be auctioned off.

    This is a frightening prospect, but you can rest assured that your belongings will be protected by state law and the terms of your rental agreement. In California, absolutely nothing can be done to your rental unit until it’s been at least 14 consecutive days since the payment was missed. Even at that time, an auction can’t take place. The storage facility must send a written preliminary lien notice to the renter, which provides notification of the date of termination of the rental agreement. This date must be at least 14 days from the date of the notice. At that point, the facility owner must send another notice of a lien sale, notifying the renter when the unit will be auctioned. This date can’t be any less than 14 days from this second notice. At any point, the renter can satisfy the arrears and halt the sale.

  • Insurance, Packing Tips, and Other Information for First-Time Storage Renters

    If you’re struggling to find enough space in your Palo Alto home for all of your belongings, you might want to consider renting a storage unit. Self-storage is a terrific option for anybody who needs a safe, secure place to store their personal possessions. If you’re renting a storage unit for the first time, here’s some information you might want to know.

    You should buy insurance.

    As safe as self-storage is, it’s still important to insure your property to ensure that it stays safe. Along with insuring your belongings, you should keep a thorough record of every item you keep in your storage unit. If possible, you might also want to try to take a photograph of everything you store. That way, you’ll be fully prepared against any eventuality.

    You shouldn’t overstuff your unit.

    While you may be able to fit a lot of your belongings into your storage unit, you should be careful to keep it organized and accessible. Leave a path for yourself to walk through your unit so that you’ll have easy access to your items at all times. Also, make sure that there is at least some space between your boxes of items and your unit’s walls. Always turn your unit’s light on as soon as you enter to ensure that you don’t stumble over anything.

    You should make the most of your space.

    First-time storage unit renters may wonder how they can get the most use out of their space. It’s important to put some thought into where you put all of your items. If you have a large item such as a couch, for example, you won’t be using your space efficiently if you simply place it in the center of your unit. Rather, you’ll want to place it at the back, where it will take up as little space as possible, so you can fill the rest of your unit with your other items.

  • Tips for Safely Storing Photos

    Photo storage units in Mountain View, CA If you’re like most people, your photographs are the one possession you can’t imagine throwing away. After all, every photograph you take represents a memory. Even the most innocuous photos you own will be fun to look back on some day. If you’re in need of a secure place to keep your photo albums and your other cherished belongings, renting a unit at a storage facility in Mountain View is an excellent option. Here are some additional tips for keeping your precious photographs safe as the years go by:

    Make sure you have the right storage environment.

    You don’t want your beloved photographs to be marred by mold, moisture, insects, or other common problems. You also don’t want your photographs to fade because they’re exposed to sunlight. That means that you should make sure to keep your photos in a cool, dark, dry, and well-ventilated space such as a secure storage unit.

    Buy the right containers for your photos.

    You don’t want to just stack your photographs in cardboard boxes—you want to find an appropriate way to store them long-term. Photo albums with sheet protectors are a good option for keeping your photos safe while still making them easy to access. Once you’re ready to put your albums in storage, wrap them in tissue paper for extra security. If you prefer to use boxes, use water-resistant plastic ones, and lay your photos flat rather than on end.

    Keep your photographs well-organized.

    If you have a lot of photographs to store, you may want to put them in some kind of order. Otherwise, you may find yourself combing through hundreds of photos when you want to find a specific one. Label your photo albums in a way that you will find useful—whether by date, subject, or event—and make sure that the labels are clear and easy to read.

  • Simple Strategies for Decluttering

    If you’re like many people, you’ve probably got a lot more clutter around your house than you would prefer. One problem you may have run into is that you have a lot of items that you don’t want to throw out, but that you don’t have a place for in your home. A good option is to rent a storage unit in Palo Alto where you can store important items that you don’t need to use on a regular basis. However, it can also be rewarding to go through your belongings from time to time and get rid of anything that you truly don’t need. If you need some decluttering tips, check out this helpful video.

  • Spotlight on Our Safety Features

    If you need to rent storage space in Mountain View, you may be wondering how secure the facilities are. After all, if you are going to make that investment, you want to be able to enjoy total peace of mind that your personal belongings will not be disturbed. At Independence Storage, we work to provide the most secure environment for your property. We have a professional manager onsite during office hours 7 days a week, and the units are only reachable via electronic keypad access. If you’re looking for a self-storage facility where you can feel safe keeping even your most valuable possessions, you’ve come to the right place. We are a locally owned and operated facility that has been in business for nearly 2 decades, and our customers know they can trust us to keep their property safe. Our storage units are clean, convenient, and affordable for a wide range of budgets.

    Secured Storage for Renters in Mountain View, CA

  • Tips to Keep Pests Out of Your Storage Unit

    Every self-storage facility can be susceptible to pests, but you should still look for a reputable, clean storage rental company in Mountain View to improve your chances of keeping your belongings bug-free. After you rent the unit, set out a few mousetraps along the walls before you move your stuff inside. You could also put down a perimeter barrier of bug spray. Or, a natural pest control option is to sprinkle some diatomaceous earth around the storage unit.

    As you listen to the featured video, you’ll learn that bugs are often repelled by the scent of peppermint. Soak some cotton balls in peppermint oil, and place them in and around the furniture you’re storing. This video lists a few other natural pest repellents you can use in your storage rental, such as vinegar, baking soda, and cayenne pepper.

  • Learn the Dos and Don’ts of Helping Your Child Pack for College

    Student storage facility services in Mountain View, CA In college dorms, storage options are few and far between. If your child is going to a college far away and won’t be able to come home frequently to visit (and do laundry), then he or she will need to bring more stuff than the local college kids. Ahead of the move-in date, research options for student storage units in Mountain View. Renting a small, temporary storage unit for your child will minimize future frustration, as your child won’t have to ask you to mail out packages of his or her stuff every few weeks.

    Do limit your involvement in the packing process.

    College is an exciting, giant step toward independence for your child. As tempting as it is to do everything for him or her, your child needs the opportunity to learn from mistakes. However, you can teach by example. Have your child call the appropriate office on campus to ask about rules regarding what can and can’t be taken to the residence halls. If your child has trouble with organization, sit down with him or her and develop a master list of things to pack . Sort the list into categories, such as clothing, bedding, personal care items, electronics, school supplies, and kitchen items.

    Don’t hesitate to toss basic first aid items in a suitcase.

    Even a well-organized teenager might not think to pack basic first aid items. Give your child the following items:

    • Over-the-counter pain relievers/fever reducers
    • Band-Aids
    • Antibiotic ointment
    • Hydrogen peroxide
    • Cold pack

    If your child takes prescription medications or uses an inhaler for asthma, he or she should have extras on hand. Make sure the closest pharmacy to the campus has your child’s prescriptions and health insurance information on file.

    Do have your child get in touch with the roommate.

    It isn’t necessary to furnish dorm rooms—they already have beds, dressers, and desks. However, there are a few larger items your child may want, such as a mini fridge, microwave, and TV. Have your child call the new roommate to find out if he or she was already planning on bringing these items. There won’t be enough space for duplicates. It’s common for campuses to connect students to rental services for mini fridges, many of which are combination units that also have an attached microwave. Your child and the roommate could rent a unit together.

  • How Should I Store My Furniture?

    Before you move your furniture to temporary storage in Mountain View, give each piece a thorough cleaning. Then, place the disassembled furniture pieces in a ventilated area to dry completely—this will discourage mold growth. Remember to label the pieces, so you’ll know how to reassemble them, and to put all hardware in sealed bags. If you have any breakable items, such as mirrors and lamps, or blunt objects like table legs, wrap these pieces in bubble wrap before putting them in the storage unit.

    Try to avoid using plastic materials like bubble wrap on non-breakable items, as this can trap condensation and lead to mold growth. Instead, pad the furniture with blankets, drop cloths, or furniture pads. Next, rent a storage unit that’s large enough to leave a couple of clear zones in between items. This allows air circulation, and it also lets you access items in the back of the storage unit. Place the larger items at the back of the unit and the smaller items at the front.

    Furniture storing units in Mountain View, CA

  • Must-Have Supplies for Temporary Storage

    If you decide to use temporary storage in Mountain View , having the right supplies will make it easy to organize your unit and access your items when you want to. Although some of the specific supplies you need will depend on what you’re putting in your storage unit, there are some items that everyone who uses self storage can benefit from having. As you prepare to move your items into storage, make sure you have the following supplies on-hand:

    Boxes and Tape

    Just as when you’re packing for a move, when you pack for self storage, you can’t rely on tattered, old boxes from the grocery store. You need strong boxes that will adequately protect your belongings and that won’t get crushed when they are stacked on each other. Likewise, you need packing tape rather than masking tape or the other types of tape you may have lying around your house. Strong tape offers an additional layer of protection and helps your boxes keep their shape. An alternative to boxes and tape is plastic storage containers. These containers can be helpful, but be sure not to overload them, so that they are easy to move.

    Wooden Pallets Temporary storage facility Services in Mountain View, CA

    When you move your belongings into a storage unit, the best thing to do is to store them off the ground. You may choose to put shelves along the walls of the unit for some smaller items, but placing wooden pallets on the floor is also helpful. With wooden pallets, everything you put in your unit, no matter the size, will be off the ground, which allows air to circulate and discourages pests.

    Furniture Covers

    If you plan to store furniture, then you will need to cover it to protect it. Avoid using plastic furniture bags, which stifle airflow and allow odors and dampness to grow. Instead, use bubble wrap on parts of the furniture that are fragile, such as the legs and arms, and then use a cloth or sheet to cover the upholstery.

  • How Should I Protect My Files in Storage?

    Using a storage unit for files can be a great solution for keeping your personal documents or for storing dwocuments for your business. Protecting those files properly will ensure that they’re always ready when you need them. If you’re renting a storage unit in Mountain View for your files, use these strategies for protecting them from damage.

    Start by ensuring that your files are completely dry, and then pack them in airtight containers with hard outer shells. If you must store your documents in boxes, make sure that the boxes are strong and that you put the papers themselves in sleeve protectors. Use wooden pallets to keep the boxes off of the ground. Label all of your storage containers clearly with waterproof markers, so you can easily find the items you need. Don’t over-pack the containers, which can weaken them and make them more difficult to transport. Many people find it helpful to store their documents near the front of their storage units so that they are easy to access.

    File storage Facility in Mountain View, CA

  • Learn the Dos and Don’ts of Decluttering Your Home

    Decluttering your home can make it feel more organized and make it easier to relax when you’re there. The idea of tackling a big decluttering project can be overwhelming, however, which is why many people put it off. Fortunately, by knowing the dos and don’ts of getting the job done, the process can be easier than you think. To get started, you will need a storage unit in Mountain View and a plan. Here are the dos and don’ts you need to know to make your decluttering mission a success:

    Do Start with One Room

    Home storage facility services in Mountain View, CATo make the idea of decluttering more manageable, start with a single room. Get everything done in that room before moving on to your next space. One room is a realistic goal, and once you accomplish it, you’ll feel ready to repeat the process in the next room and the one after that. Before you know it, your whole house will be done. Be sure you finish a room before moving on. Leaving unfinished projects will only make things feel even more insurmountable.

    Don’t Stock Up on Bins

    You may eventually need boxes and storage bins to help you get organized, but don’t go out and buy those things before you actually start decluttering. Start sorting and cleaning, and then go buy storage containers once you know what you will really need. Stocking up on containers before you organize may seem like a fun way to get started, but you’ll only end up adding to your clutter rather than getting rid of it.

    Do Use a Storage Unit

    A storage unit is the perfect way to keep your home decluttered without having to make hard decisions about what you want to keep. Storing things like holiday decorations and seasonal sports equipment in your storage unit keeps extraneous stuff out of your house but puts it in easy reach when it is time to use it.

  • Moving and Storage with Kids

    Moving with kids is a challenge, but with a few simple tips and the help of a temporary storage unit in Mountain View , you can make things a lot easier. Don’t overlook the importance of using a storage unit when you’re moving. It will keep clutter out of your way, help you streamline the moving process, and make it easier to stage your house for buyers.

    Watch this video for tips on moving with kids. Keep a box of things you’ll need to grab quickly during the transition time on-hand, such as diapers, towels, and toilet paper. Have a few baskets on-hand so you can easily pick up toys and other clutter when a last-minute showing occurs. Anticipating your kids’ needs so that you’re ready to jump into action will take off a lot of pressure.

  • Use These Tips for Storing Musical Instruments

    Storage units are ideal for storing your musical instruments when they are not in use. With a little attention to the way you store them, you can ensure that your instruments stay in top condition, without paying extra for a climate-controlled unit. If you plan on putting your instruments in a storage unit in Mountain View, keep this advice in mind.

    Choose the Right Location in the Unit Storage facility to keep musical instruments in Mountain View, CA

    When you’re packing your storage unit, it is best to keep instruments in the center of the unit. This protects them from any drafts that could come from the door or walls. Rather than storing them on the floor, put them on pallets or on shelving units. Keeping them off the ground will minimize the temperature changes the instruments are exposed to. If there are any open vents, make sure the air is not pointed directly at the instruments.

    Pay Attention to Packing

    All musical instruments should be stored in their original cases, if possible. For stringed instruments, release the tension on the strings before storing. This will prevent the strings from damaging the necks of the instruments as they naturally contract and expand in response to temperature changes. Piano strings do not need to be detuned, since the plate can withstand the pressure of string expansion. For instruments that are not in secure cases, such as pianos, wrap them with heavy pads. Store baby grand pianos on their sides, but keep upright pianos in their usual positions.

    Take Care When Unpacking

    The longer your instruments are stored, the more likely they are to have string tension issues or other changes that require careful handling. Unpack your instruments gently when you take them out of storage as they readjust to the current temperature. Give the instruments some time before you retune them. If you have instruments wrapped in padding, unwrap them carefully, especially if they are wood instruments. The veneer on wood can sometimes stick to padding, so removing it gently will protect it from peeling.

    For storing your precious artwork or musical instruments, avail yourself of our climate-controlled storage facility. For further information contact us today!

  • Take Advantage of These Helpful Moving Hacks

    Moving can become overwhelming quickly, but fortunately, there are hacks you can use to make your relocation just a little bit easier. Using temporary storage in Mountain View to get items out of your way is one thing you can do to take part of the stress out of moving. This video offers even more advice.

    When a move is on the horizon, don’t wait until the last minute to get packing. Pack a little each day, and move packed boxes into your temporary storage unit as you go. Label all of your boxes, detailing exactly what is inside. This will help you find things easily in your storage unit and your new home. Don’t forget to pack a bag of essentials, so that you have easy access to a few changes of clothes and toiletries.

  • Learn the Dos and Don’ts of Packing a Storage Unit

    Self-storage in Mountain View can help you keep your home organized without having to give up possessions you love, from seasonal decorations to your book collection. However, getting the most from your storage unit means packing it the right way. Resist the urge to off-load boxes as quickly as possible when you’re moving into your unit, and instead, set it up so that you can easily access everything in the unit any time you need it. Protect your property and prevent headaches with these do’s and don’ts.

    Do Prepare the Unit Before You Move In

    packing a storage unit

    Your storage unit is likely to be an empty shell, so prepare it for your belongings before you unpack. Pallets will keep your boxes off the floor, which helps to protect them from moisture. Adding freestanding shelves will make it easier to keep your items organized. Keep in mind that while plastic is a good protectant for the floor or for your shelves, it should never be used to wrap boxes, furniture, or other items. Doing so will prevent your items from breathing and trap moisture inside, where it can lead to mold and mildew.

    Don’t Pack Things That Could Cause Damage

    Food and plants should never be stored in a storage unit, even for a short amount of time. They can attract bugs and rodents, which put all your belongings and the belongings of everyone else who uses the storage facility at risk. Packing and storing anything that is flammable, such as oils, propane, fuel, and ammunition is not permitted. If you have gas-powered items to store, drain them of their fuel before putting them in storage.

    Do Label and Organize Your Boxes

    Every box that goes into storage should be clearly labeled with the exact contents. Place boxes at least one inch from the wall to allow for ventilation. Put boxes with items you will use on a regular basis, such as seasonal decorations, near the front of the unit, so you can access them easily.

  • The Military Family’s Guide to Storing Stuff During a Deployment

    A deployment can be a tough time for every member of your family. If you are getting ready for a long deployment, you will need to deal with practical matters, such as where to keep your belongings while you are overseas. A storage unit rental facility in Palo Alto will provide you with a secure storage unit to keep all of your household items while you are on deployment. If you are gearing up for a deployment, keep the following storage tips in mind: military - move

    Consider Downsizing Your Home

    If your deployment will last for 12 months or more, your family may want to choose to move into a smaller home while you are away. As you are choosing what to place in storage, and what will remain with your family during the deployment, consider downsizing some of your items. By donating or eliminating some of your family’s stuff, you will have an easier time during the moving and storage process.

    Ask About Auto Storage

    For many families, auto storage is necessary during a long deployment. Rather than having your car sit in the driveway while you are away overseas, you can protect the value and safety of your vehicle by placing it into storage. Many self storage facilities have auto storage options that are perfect for military members and their families. After you have placed your car into storage, you will not have to worry about keeping it protected while you are away.

    Evaluate Your Security Needs

    Since you will be far away from your family during your deployment, you will need to make sure that you choose a secure storage facility for your belongings. High security storage units are equipped with advanced safety features that will protect your stuff during your deployment. Before you leave for your trip, take the time to inspect the storage unit and ensure that it offers all of the security features are needed to provide you with peace of mind while you are away.

  • Can I Store My Piano?

    A piano is a cherished item that may stay in your family for generations. However, there may come a time when your home does not have the space necessary to store this large musical instrument. As you are reviewing your storage options in Mountain View , consider renting a self storage unit that is large enough to house your piano. By placing your piano in a storage unit, you can rest assured that it is in a safe and secure location. To help you prepare for storing your musical instrument, here is a look at some piano storage tips. piano - storage

    Prevent Dust Accumulation

    Dust can cause significant damage to your piano’s keys and other delicate components. When you are preparing to store your piano, you will need to take the steps that are necessary to prevent dust from accumulating within your instrument. A special cloth pad can be placed over the keys to keep dust away. Before you cover your piano, take the time to ensure that it has been dusted thoroughly.

    Clean and Polish the Surface

    Before you move your piano into your storage unit, you will need to take the time to make sure that is has been properly cleaned and polished. Placing a dirty piano in storage can lead to the deterioration of its exterior surfaces over time. A special piano polishing product can be used to clean, buff, and protect the body of your piano. Once you have taken the time to clean any dirt or residue from your piano, you will be ready to start the moving and packing process.

    Use a Protective Covering

    Pianos are very delicate, and they can become seriously damaged if they are not moved with the utmost care. If you are planning on placing your piano into storage, consider investing in a protective covering that will prevent bumps, scratches, and other forms of damage. Along with protecting your piano during the move, the cover can provide another layer of protection against dust and humidity.

  • Storage Tips for Your Baby’s Old Clothes

    As your baby develops, he or she will eventually start to grow out of his or her clothing. In this video, you will learn some essential tips that will help you to prepare your baby’s old clothes for self storage in Palo Alto. Before you place old baby clothes into storage, take the time to ensure that they are totally clean and dry. You may also want to label each box with the name and age of your child.

    A storage rental company can provide you with the space that you need to house all of your child’s extra stuff. By renting a storage unit, you can hang onto your favorite clothes and sentimental items for future generations.

  • Is There an Ideal Moving Season?

    While you may not always be able to plan ahead for a move, you may want to think carefully about what time of year will be best for your transition. Whether you are moving into self storage or a new home, there are certain times of year that may be better to make a move. A storage rental company in Mountain View will be able to provide you with a quality storage unit, no matter what time of year you choose for your move.

    As you are choosing a season for your upcoming move, consider factors such as school, typical weather conditions, and the housing market. If you are a parent, moving during the school year may place additional strain on your children. Additionally, moving during the coldest months of winter or the hottest days of summer may make your move more stressful. To ensure an easier move, consider moving during the early fall, when the weather is mild and your children have not yet returned to school.

    items - move

  • How Storage Units Can Reduce Your Housing Costs

    When you are getting ready to move into a new apartment, consider the advantages of renting a storage unit. By reserving a storage unit in Palo Alto , you will be able to downsize your belongings, while still keeping them for later use. Ultimately, a storage unit rental may be much more cost-effective than renting a larger apartment or home. If you are concerned about the high price of housing, downsizing into a smaller place and renting a storage unit may help you to cut back on your monthly rental payments.

    A facility that rents storage units in your local area can provide you with the space that you need to store your items after you move into a smaller apartment. Whether you are seeking temporary storage during your move, or you need a long-term solution, you can expect your storage unit facility to provide you with a range of rental options.

    storage - unit