• How Should I Protect My Files in Storage?

    Using a storage unit for files can be a great solution for keeping your personal documents or for storing dwocuments for your business. Protecting those files properly will ensure that they’re always ready when you need them. If you’re renting a storage unit in Mountain View for your files, use these strategies for protecting them from damage.

    Start by ensuring that your files are completely dry, and then pack them in airtight containers with hard outer shells. If you must store your documents in boxes, make sure that the boxes are strong and that you put the papers themselves in sleeve protectors. Use wooden pallets to keep the boxes off of the ground. Label all of your storage containers clearly with waterproof markers, so you can easily find the items you need. Don’t over-pack the containers, which can weaken them and make them more difficult to transport. Many people find it helpful to store their documents near the front of their storage units so that they are easy to access.

    File storage Facility in Mountain View, CA

  • Moving and Storage with Kids

    Moving with kids is a challenge, but with a few simple tips and the help of a temporary storage unit in Mountain View , you can make things a lot easier. Don’t overlook the importance of using a storage unit when you’re moving. It will keep clutter out of your way, help you streamline the moving process, and make it easier to stage your house for buyers.

    Watch this video for tips on moving with kids. Keep a box of things you’ll need to grab quickly during the transition time on-hand, such as diapers, towels, and toilet paper. Have a few baskets on-hand so you can easily pick up toys and other clutter when a last-minute showing occurs. Anticipating your kids’ needs so that you’re ready to jump into action will take off a lot of pressure.

  • Use These Tips for Storing Musical Instruments

    Storage units are ideal for storing your musical instruments when they are not in use. With a little attention to the way you store them, you can ensure that your instruments stay in top condition, without paying extra for a climate-controlled unit. If you plan on putting your instruments in a storage unit in Mountain View, keep this advice in mind.

    Choose the Right Location in the Unit Storage facility to keep musical instruments in Mountain View, CA

    When you’re packing your storage unit, it is best to keep instruments in the center of the unit. This protects them from any drafts that could come from the door or walls. Rather than storing them on the floor, put them on pallets or on shelving units. Keeping them off the ground will minimize the temperature changes the instruments are exposed to. If there are any open vents, make sure the air is not pointed directly at the instruments.

    Pay Attention to Packing

    All musical instruments should be stored in their original cases, if possible. For stringed instruments, release the tension on the strings before storing. This will prevent the strings from damaging the necks of the instruments as they naturally contract and expand in response to temperature changes. Piano strings do not need to be detuned, since the plate can withstand the pressure of string expansion. For instruments that are not in secure cases, such as pianos, wrap them with heavy pads. Store baby grand pianos on their sides, but keep upright pianos in their usual positions.

    Take Care When Unpacking

    The longer your instruments are stored, the more likely they are to have string tension issues or other changes that require careful handling. Unpack your instruments gently when you take them out of storage as they readjust to the current temperature. Give the instruments some time before you retune them. If you have instruments wrapped in padding, unwrap them carefully, especially if they are wood instruments. The veneer on wood can sometimes stick to padding, so removing it gently will protect it from peeling.

    For storing your precious artwork or musical instruments, avail yourself of our climate-controlled storage facility. For further information contact us today!

  • Learn the Dos and Don’ts of Packing a Storage Unit

    Self-storage in Mountain View can help you keep your home organized without having to give up possessions you love, from seasonal decorations to your book collection. However, getting the most from your storage unit means packing it the right way. Resist the urge to off-load boxes as quickly as possible when you’re moving into your unit, and instead, set it up so that you can easily access everything in the unit any time you need it. Protect your property and prevent headaches with these do’s and don’ts.

    Do Prepare the Unit Before You Move In

    packing a storage unit

    Your storage unit is likely to be an empty shell, so prepare it for your belongings before you unpack. Pallets will keep your boxes off the floor, which helps to protect them from moisture. Adding freestanding shelves will make it easier to keep your items organized. Keep in mind that while plastic is a good protectant for the floor or for your shelves, it should never be used to wrap boxes, furniture, or other items. Doing so will prevent your items from breathing and trap moisture inside, where it can lead to mold and mildew.

    Don’t Pack Things That Could Cause Damage

    Food and plants should never be stored in a storage unit, even for a short amount of time. They can attract bugs and rodents, which put all your belongings and the belongings of everyone else who uses the storage facility at risk. Packing and storing anything that is flammable, such as oils, propane, fuel, and ammunition is not permitted. If you have gas-powered items to store, drain them of their fuel before putting them in storage.

    Do Label and Organize Your Boxes

    Every box that goes into storage should be clearly labeled with the exact contents. Place boxes at least one inch from the wall to allow for ventilation. Put boxes with items you will use on a regular basis, such as seasonal decorations, near the front of the unit, so you can access them easily.

  • How Should I Store My Books?

    If your book collection is taking over your home, but you can’t bring yourself to part with your tomes, then self-storage in Mountain View may be the answer. By packing your books in the right way, you can preserve them for years to come.

    Before you pack up your books, wipe them clean of any dust or dirt, and remove any bookmarks, which are acidic and can cause damage. Use small cardboard boxes for packing, so that they can easily be moved. Choose high-quality boxes, not store throwaways, so that the boxes don’t break down over time. Pack books tightly, to prevent shifting, and keep similarly sized books together. Stack books, rather than sitting them on their sides, which can lead to spine damage. Label each box carefully, so you know where to find a book when you want it. It can help to organize books in some way, such as by genre or author, before packing them. In the storage unit, keep boxed books on free-standing shelves instead of on the floor, where they could attract pests.

    How to Store Books by Independence Storage

  • Storage Tips for Your Baby’s Old Clothes

    As your baby develops, he or she will eventually start to grow out of his or her clothing. In this video, you will learn some essential tips that will help you to prepare your baby’s old clothes for self storage in Palo Alto. Before you place old baby clothes into storage, take the time to ensure that they are totally clean and dry. You may also want to label each box with the name and age of your child.

    A storage rental company can provide you with the space that you need to house all of your child’s extra stuff. By renting a storage unit, you can hang onto your favorite clothes and sentimental items for future generations.

  • How Storage Units Can Reduce Your Housing Costs

    When you are getting ready to move into a new apartment, consider the advantages of renting a storage unit. By reserving a storage unit in Palo Alto , you will be able to downsize your belongings, while still keeping them for later use. Ultimately, a storage unit rental may be much more cost-effective than renting a larger apartment or home. If you are concerned about the high price of housing, downsizing into a smaller place and renting a storage unit may help you to cut back on your monthly rental payments.

    A facility that rents storage units in your local area can provide you with the space that you need to store your items after you move into a smaller apartment. Whether you are seeking temporary storage during your move, or you need a long-term solution, you can expect your storage unit facility to provide you with a range of rental options.

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  • What Should I Do with a Deceased Family Member’s Belongings?

    The death of a loved one can be a very painful time for any family member. After your family member passes away, you may also be faced with the difficult task of sorting through his or her belongings. By renting a storage unit in Mountain View , you can safely contain your deceased family member’s belongings until you are emotionally ready to start the sorting process. A self storage company can offer you temporary storage during your time of grief. Read on for an overview of some strategies for going through a deceased family member’s belongings.

    Storage Facilities of Deceased Family Members in Mountain View, CA

    Hold On to Important Items

    When you are going through your loved one’s personal belongings, you are sure to find many items that you want to keep. Some of these items may be valuable objects, while others may be small keepsakes that remind you of cherished memories. Allowing yourself to hang on to important items may provide you with a sense of comfort and condolence as you are processing difficult emotions.

    Do Not Be Afraid to Let Go

    While some of your loved one’s belongings may be emotionally or financially valuable, others may not be important enough to save. It is important to allow yourself to let go of certain items that are no longer useful or valuable. Before you decide to toss out an item, you can give your other family members a chance to decide whether or not they would like to keep it.

    Consider a Storage Unit Rental

    From making funeral preparations to mourning your loved one’s passing, the time after a family member’s death can be both emotionally and physically draining. A storage unit rental will provide you with the space that you need to hold on to all of your loved one’s stuff until you are ready to start the sorting process. You can rest assured that all of the belongings will be safe and protected once they have entered the storage unit.

  • Quick Packing Tips

    If you are moving your belongings into a storage unit near Mountain View, you should take the time to pack your items correctly. This video from Chasing the Look will provide you with some quick packing tips to keep in mind during your move into a storage unit. As you are packing your boxes, you can label your boxes with painter’s tape for easy identification. Old towels and clothing can be used to protect delicate items when they are placed in boxes.

    For more essential packing tips , contact a company that offers self storage in your local area. The professionals who work at a storage facility will be happy to provide you with more information about the best ways to pack up your stuff in preparation for a move.

  • Maximizing Storage Space at Home

    It is important to maximize all of your storage options in Palo Alto. You can store large furniture, artwork, and moving boxes in your storage unit. However, you can also utilize certain storage options around your home. Continue reading to learn some easy storage options around your house.

    As seen in this “Clean My Space” video, you can use stacking shelves in your kitchen and bathroom cabinets to maximize all of your storage space in these areas. You can also hang up adhesive hooks in your utility spaces and around the house to store common household tools, such as a broom and step stool. Consider hanging shoe storage options to hold extra shoes, jewelry, and clothing accessories as well.

  • Helping a Senior Loved One Move to a Smaller Home

    Senior parents and grandparents will reach a time when their house is too big, and they need a smaller apartment or condo. Your senior loved one may have many belongings that need to be organized and stored. You can help by offering different storage options in Palo Alto, such as self-storage . Let’s look at the simple steps to help your senior loved one move to a smaller home. items - moving

    Organize Belongings

    It is crucial to organize the entire house before a move. Organizing each room can better help you and your loved one visualize the items that are not useful or emotionally significant from those that are. Organizing will also ease the packing and sorting all of your loved one’s furniture, clothing, dishes, and décor. Go through each room and begin separating items into different categories. At first, these piles may be as simple as “trash, keep, and undecided.” However, as you continue organizing, the piles will become more specific like “donate, sell, store, and keep.”


    Organizing your loved one’s belongings is a great first step, but true downsizing involves decluttering the house of nonessential items. Your senior loved one may be hesitant to part with many of his or her belongings, because they hold sentimental or monetary value. Ensure that your loved one is comfortable and feels involved in the downsizing process. There are many ways to help your loved one cope with the loss of personal items. Help him or her understand that most items will not fit in a smaller house and many personal belongings can be stored in a storage unit.

    Store Non-Essential Items

    Once you and your loved one have sorted through the belongings, then it is time to trash, sell, move, and store them. If your loved one is having a hard time parting with certain belongings, then offer professional storage options to keep the items secure. Storage rental companies offer great security measures to keep storage units protected, and they often offer customizable billing. These are helpful attributes that can keep your loved one secure and involved in the process of moving to a smaller home.

  • Helpful Self-Storage Tips


    If you’re thinking about self-storage in Palo Alto for the first time, think about how you plan to organize your belongings. Although you can access your storage unit whenever you need to, keep in mind that it’ll be easier to reach some items than others. Consider the importance of each box that you pack and keep the most prudent items at the front, and cover up your furniture to preserve its condition. Don’t forget to label your boxes so you can easily find whatever you’re looking for when you come back to the storage unit. Read ahead for some helpful self-storage tips. storage - unit

    Make Your Belongings Accessible

    Depending on the size of your storage unit and the number of belongings you have to store, it might be difficult to access all of your items. Since there are certain items that you would rather be more accessible, keep these items by the front of the storage space. You can keep seasonal things like holiday decorations towards the back of the unit, as you won’t need them throughout the bulk of the year. If your storage unit is big enough, you can also leave an aisle open so you can easily move about the space.

    Cover Up Your Furniture

    It’s a good idea to cover up any furniture that you leave in your self storage unit. This will keep dust from accumulating on top of your sofas, couches, and coffee tables. Additionally, covering up your furniture will protect it from bugs. Pests can do some serious damage to your furniture, and furniture doesn’t tend to be cheap. If you want to do everything you can to protect the belongings you leave in your storage unit, don’t forget to cover them up.

    Label Everything

    Many people end up spending much more time than they meant to in their storage unit because they can’t find what they’re looking for. This is why it helps to label all of your boxes and include an inventory with each one. This way you can just look at the outside of the box to tell what’s inside instead of rummaging through it.

  • Smart Tips for Stress-Free Moving

    When you are moving into a new house or storage unit, it is important to keep some essential moving tips in mind. In this video, you will take a look at some methods that can be used to reduce stress during a move. Before you start the moving process, you will want to take the time to create a detailed list for all of your moving tasks. A storage unit in Mountain View can provide you with additional moving tips .

    After you have carefully sorted and packed all of your stuff, you will be ready to begin the physical part of the move. A facility that offers storage shed rental may be able to provide you with a moving truck that will allow you to easily transport your belongings into your storage unit.

  • Factors to Consider Before Choosing a Storage Facility

    If you are reviewing storage options in Mountain View, you will want to make sure that you choose a storage rental company that is prepared to fulfill all of your storage needs. By doing your research and touring the facility, you can rest assured that you are placing your items into the best available storage unit. There are several factors that you will want to keep in mind when you are choosing your next storage facility.

    One essential factor to consider when you choose a storage facility is whether the facility requires you to enter into a long term contract. Ideally, your storage facility should offer both short-term and long-term rental agreements. You will also want to make sure that the facility has been equipped with a comprehensive security system that will protect your belongings. For ease of access, you should also choose a storage facility that provides spacious, ground level units. Once you have found a facility that meets these requirements, you will be ready to start moving your stuff into storage.

    spacious - storage - unit

  • Proper Storage for Mattresses

    A mattress is a bulky item that can take up a lot of space in your storage unit. In this video, you will learn some essential tips to keep in mind when you are placing a mattress into self storage. When you bring your mattress to a storage unit in Mountain View , you will want to make sure that you place it in an area where it can lie perfectly flat. If the mattress is not stored in a flat area, it may become misshapen over time.

    Once you have found the perfect spot for your mattress, you can start placing other items on top of its surface. Ideally, you will want to stack lightweight boxes on top of your mattress. It is also important to ensure that the weight on the surface of your mattress is evenly distributed.

  • Preparing Your Boat for Storage

    During the winter months, many boat owners choose to protect their vessels by placing them in a secure dry storage facility . A spacious storage unit in Mountain View will provide you with the capacity that you need to store your boat until you are ready to take your next outing in the spring. Before you bring your boat to the storage rental company, there are several steps that you will need to take to make sure that it is prepared. To help you get ready for putting your boat in a storage rental, here is a look at the steps of preparing your boat for storage. boat - storage

    Take One Last Outing

    Before you place your boat into a storage unit, you may want to head out on the water one last time. During your final trip of the boating season, you can take note of any mechanical repairs or other issues that need to be addressed around your vessel. By taking the time to inspect your boat while it is launched, you will have a better idea of how to get it expedition ready for the spring.

    Perform a Thorough Cleaning

    When you place your boat into storage, it should not be dirty or covered in seawater and other contaminants. After your boat hull has been lifted out of the water, you will be ready to clean it very thoroughly. Along with scrubbing the hull, you will also want to inspect and clear out the interior and head areas.

    Protect Your Boat’s Engine

    As a boat engine sits throughout the winter season, it may slowly start to deteriorate and develop mechanical issues. To ensure that your boat will be in peak performing shape after the winter storage season is over, there are a few preventative maintenance steps that you can perform. By topping off your gas tank, adding a stabilizer, and inspecting your belts and strainers, you can rest assured that your boat’s engine can withstand several months in storage.

  • Common Reasons Why College Students Choose Self-Storage

    If your son or daughter is enrolled in college, you may be wondering about what will happen to his or her belongings when the school year wraps up. Rather than carting college stuff between the dorm room and your home, you may want to consider renting college storage in Palo Alto. College students choose self storage because it provides them with a secure place to store their belongings when they are away from school. A storage unit can also make it easier to transition into new housing situations at the start of the school year.

    A storage rental company near your son or daughter’s school may offer storage services that are specifically tailored to college students. When you rent out a college storage unit, you can expect to receive a great rate and flexible rental terms. By renting storage for your college age student, you can help to ensure that his or her college years are successful and stress free.

    Self storage units in Mountview, CA

  • Tips for Storing Your Furniture

    Putting extra furniture into storage is a great way to free up some space at home or to make moving easier. If you are getting ready to move some of your furniture into a storage rental in Palo Alto , then continue reading for some helpful tips on storing this type of item.

    First, if any of your furniture can be easily disassembled, doing this before putting them into the rental unit can help prevent them from being damaged and taking up a lot of space in the storage rental. Next, wrap any wood or upholstered furniture with plastic and secure it in place with tape. Also, clean anything made of fabric before moving the furniture into the storage unit to help reduce the likelihood of bacteria and mold growth. Finally, cover each piece of furniture with plastic or sheets to help keep them dust free while they are in your storage rental.

    storing - furniture

  • What to Avoid Putting In Storage

    Are you planning to move some of your belongings into a storage rental near Palo Alto? If so, then you should know that there are a few things that you should avoid putting into storage. storage - tips

    Items That Are Perishable

    One mistake that you do not want to make when it comes to storing your belongings is placing any perishable items into the unit. Any type of food, even pet kibble, can make the unit attractive to rodents. If rats or mice were to smell the food and get into the unit, not only will they eat the food items, but they may also chew up and defecate on the rest of your belongings. Also, storing food in your storage rental can promote bacteria and mold growth that can contaminate the other items in the space.

    Items That Are Living

    A storage unit is not designed to hold anything that is alive. For this reason, pets and other animals should never be kept in your storage rental, even for short periods. Also, plants should not be stored in your unit.

    Items That Are Sensitive to Temperature

    Most storage units are not climate controlled, so if this applies to your rental, then it’s important to consider if any of your items are temperature-sensitive before putting them into storage. Some leather and wood furniture can be affected by extreme temperature changes and may not be ideal for storage. Also, musical instruments and some household appliances should remain in a temperature controlled location. Finally, wine, collections of coins and stamps, artwork, photographs, and electronics should be kept in a temperature controlled space.

    Items That Are Weapons

    Most storage facilities do not permit the storage of any weapons or ammunition. Because they are explosive and dangerous, this usually extends to fireworks, as well.

    Items That Are Hazardous or Toxic

    Finally, the last category of items that should not go into your storage unit is hazardous and toxic items. Some examples of these materials include cleaners, propane tanks, compressed gas, kerosene, grease, motor oil, gasoline, toxic waste, and biological waste.

  • What to Know About Staging Your Home

    Many people who choose to use self-storage are in the process of selling their home. If you’re planning to move some of your belongings into temporary storage in Mountain View for this reason, then there are a few things that you should know about staging your home. storage - items

    Clearing Out Clutter

    One of the best ways to start the process of staging your home is to remove as much clutter as possible. This step is essential because potential buyers appreciate a home that looks furnished but not lived in. Many homeowners choose to downsize before selling and to keep any non-essentials of what is left in a storage unit. If you don’t need an item to get by while your home is for sale, then it’s ideal to put it into a storage rental during this process.

    Cleaning Your Interiors

    After your home is cleared of excess clutter, you’ll find it easier to take on the next important step, which is cleaning. When you want to sell your house quickly, you should put a significant amount of effort into getting your interiors sparkling clean. A few areas to focus on are windows, grout, floors, and countertops. Thoroughly cleaning your home is one of the most cost-effective ways to make it more marketable.

    Choosing Your Décor

    Although an important part of staging your home is clearing away clutter, you also want it to feel home-like and inviting. To achieve this, leave some select pieces of art on the wall, but remove any family photos that you may have. Also, include some vases with cut flowers, set out dining ware on your table, and add a bowl or 2 of fresh fruit to your kitchen counter.

    Addressing Your Exteriors

    Your home’s curb appeal can play a crucial role in your ability to sell it quickly, and improving the look of your home’s exterior and landscaping can boost the property’s value. Have your siding and walkways power washed, clean your front windows, add greenery and flowers that are in bloom, and mow and reseed your lawn as needed as part of staging your home.