A deployment can be a tough time for every member of your family. If you are getting ready for a long deployment, you will need to deal with practical matters, such as where to keep your belongings while you are overseas. A storage unit rental facility in Palo Alto will provide you with a secure storage unit to keep all of your household items while you are on deployment. If you are gearing up for a deployment, keep the following storage tips in mind:
Consider Downsizing Your Home
If your deployment will last for 12 months or more, your family may want to choose to move into a smaller home while you are away. As you are choosing what to place in storage, and what will remain with your family during the deployment, consider downsizing some of your items. By donating or eliminating some of your family’s stuff, you will have an easier time during the moving and storage process.
Ask About Auto Storage
For many families, auto storage is necessary during a long deployment. Rather than having your car sit in the driveway while you are away overseas, you can protect the value and safety of your vehicle by placing it into storage. Many self storage facilities have auto storage options that are perfect for military members and their families. After you have placed your car into storage, you will not have to worry about keeping it protected while you are away.
Evaluate Your Security Needs
Since you will be far away from your family during your deployment, you will need to make sure that you choose a secure storage facility for your belongings. High security storage units are equipped with advanced safety features that will protect your stuff during your deployment. Before you leave for your trip, take the time to inspect the storage unit and ensure that it offers all of the security features are needed to provide you with peace of mind while you are away.