If you’re like most people, your photographs are the one possession you can’t imagine throwing away. After all, every photograph you take represents a memory. Even the most innocuous photos you own will be fun to look back on some day. If you’re in need of a secure place to keep your photo albums and your other cherished belongings, renting a unit at a storage facility in Mountain View is an excellent option. Here are some additional tips for keeping your precious photographs safe as the years go by:
Make sure you have the right storage environment.
You don’t want your beloved photographs to be marred by mold, moisture, insects, or other common problems. You also don’t want your photographs to fade because they’re exposed to sunlight. That means that you should make sure to keep your photos in a cool, dark, dry, and well-ventilated space such as a secure storage unit.
Buy the right containers for your photos.
You don’t want to just stack your photographs in cardboard boxes—you want to find an appropriate way to store them long-term. Photo albums with sheet protectors are a good option for keeping your photos safe while still making them easy to access. Once you’re ready to put your albums in storage, wrap them in tissue paper for extra security. If you prefer to use boxes, use water-resistant plastic ones, and lay your photos flat rather than on end.
Keep your photographs well-organized.
If you have a lot of photographs to store, you may want to put them in some kind of order. Otherwise, you may find yourself combing through hundreds of photos when you want to find a specific one. Label your photo albums in a way that you will find useful—whether by date, subject, or event—and make sure that the labels are clear and easy to read.