Learn the Dos and Don’ts of Decluttering Your Home

How to Declutter Your Home

Decluttering your home can make it feel more organized and make it easier to relax when you’re there. The idea of tackling a big decluttering project can be overwhelming, however, which is why many people put it off. Fortunately, by knowing the dos and don’ts of getting the job done, the process can be easier than you think. To get started, you will need a storage unit in Mountain View and a plan. Here are the dos and don’ts you need to know to make your decluttering mission a success:

Do Start with One Room

Home storage facility services in Mountain View, CATo make the idea of decluttering more manageable, start with a single room. Get everything done in that room before moving on to your next space. One room is a realistic goal, and once you accomplish it, you’ll feel ready to repeat the process in the next room and the one after that. Before you know it, your whole house will be done. Be sure you finish a room before moving on. Leaving unfinished projects will only make things feel even more insurmountable.

Don’t Stock Up on Bins

You may eventually need boxes and storage bins to help you get organized, but don’t go out and buy those things before you actually start decluttering. Start sorting and cleaning, and then go buy storage containers once you know what you will really need. Stocking up on containers before you organize may seem like a fun way to get started, but you’ll only end up adding to your clutter rather than getting rid of it.

Do Use a Storage Unit

A storage unit is the perfect way to keep your home decluttered without having to make hard decisions about what you want to keep. Storing things like holiday decorations and seasonal sports equipment in your storage unit keeps extraneous stuff out of your house but puts it in easy reach when it is time to use it.