You’re newly married and exquisitely happy with each other, but then you notice the extras that come from merging two households. Professional storage services near Mountain View may be just what you need to keep your sanity as you merge your lives and your belongings. Here are some helpful ideas of how you can use a self-storage unit to make your newly married lives easier.
Storing Instead of Selling
If you’re both bringing your own couch, bed, and dining room table to your new space, then you might start arguing over which piece of furniture you should keep and which to sell. When you start fighting over something as small as a couch, consider storing it instead. You can make a deal to switch out the furniture once a year, or just get the piece you’re fighting over out of the house for a few months to get some space. Whatever your reason, using a storage unit rental to help calm the waters may be just what you need.
Storing Seasonal Items
For the most part, when you move it’s probably during a particular season. You’ll have the clothes you’re planning on wearing regularly, but you also have those winter or summer clothes that won’t be touched for the next several months until the season changes. Instead of stressing over where to fit these unneeded clothes, store them. After you’ve been in your new home, with your new spouse, for a few months, you will have the time to find the space for your extra clothes. Or, in the case of seasonal clothes, you can switch out seasons every few months to continue saving space.
Storing as a Means of Organizing
Have you ever heard the organizing adage, “if you don’t use it after a year, get rid of it”? Using your self-storage unit can help you make those decisions. When merging two homes, you both can store items you don’t use often and see if you miss them. If you don’t miss them, toss them.