If you’ve recently rented a storage unit near Palo Alto , you’ll want to organize it effectively so that you can make the most of your space. When your ground level storage unit is properly organized, you will have quick, safe, and convenient access to your belongings. Here are some tips on how to organize your self-storage unit.
Rent a Slightly Larger Storage Unit than You Need
If you rent a self-storage unit that provides just enough space for your belongings, the storage unit will be cramped and difficult to access. Instead, you should rent a slightly larger storage unit so that you have room for your belongings and to create a usable walkway through the center of the unit. When you create a walkway, you’ll be able to quickly and easily retrieve boxes without having to unpack and repack the entire self-storage unit.
Plan Out Your Space Before Moving Belongings
Before you move any boxes into your ground level storage unit, you should map out how you plan on using your space. If you create a simple drawing of your storage unit and determine ahead of time where you will place boxes, furniture, and other belongings, you can figure out how to make the best use of your space. Keep in mind that it’s best to store taller items in the back so that they won’t block other items from view. You should also avoid stacking too many boxes on top of each other in order to prevent safety hazards and damage to your items.
Pack Carefully and Effectively
When you pack carefully and effectively, you’ll be able to fit more items into your storage unit and store items safely. Try to use boxes that are all relatively the same size, so that it will be easier to create short stacks of boxes within your self-storage unit. You might even consider using plastic storage tubs instead of cardboard boxes, as they are more durable and easier to stack. Don’t overload boxes, as heavier boxes are more difficult to move and stack.