If you are packing up your things and getting ready to move them into a storage unit, you will undoubtedly find yourself taping dozens if not hundreds of moving boxes. To keep your belongings secure, be sure to follow proper taping techniques.
How to Tape Moving Boxes
For starters, use packaging tape instead of scotch tape or masking tape. Once you tape the bottom of your box, fill the box to the very top for added support and stability. Then, fold in the smaller flaps followed by the larger flaps and tape the box closed using the “H” pattern. To see what this taping pattern looks like, and to learn other taping tips, watch this short video clip.
Once you get all of your boxes taped up, be sure to find a quality storage facility near Mountain View to store your belongings. Don’t settle for the first storage facility you find, but look for a facility that is clean, safe, and secure.